Weaverville Fire Department Support Services

Minutes, Meeting June 4, 2014 5:00 p.m.

125 Bremer Street


I.                 Call to Order/Introductions: Called to order by President, Tina Scott at 5:15 p.m. Members present: Elizabeth, Larry H., Briana, Bonnie E., Herk, Shellie, Betty, Scott, Larry G., Treasurer Marjie, and Secretary Lisa. 


II.               Approve Minutes of May 7, 2014 – MSC Gaulke/Guglielmina, Larry to approve the minutes of the May 7, 2014 meeting.


III.              Reports:

A. Treasurer: (Marjie) – Profited $755.74 from the Mother’s Day Roses. Gave general report on expenses YTD.

B. Events: Mother’s Day Roses – (Larry H.) Delivery went well.  Sale in front of Ace went well, only issue of roses starting to wilt toward the end.  Children’s Festival – (Briana) was a big hit with the kids with the engine and mini horse there.  The escape plans that the kids drew are hanging in the hallway in the entry.


IV.             Action Items:

A. Bingo (June) (Vicki and Marjie) – Marjie expressed concern over people not avail to help with bingo night in June.  Suggestion to make it a fall and winter event.  MSC Watkins/Horrocks, E. to postpone Bingo night and make the September 21st Bingo be the first event. 

B. Muster (July) (Tina) – Betty - Discussion on having the mini horse at the Muster.  Tina - Make the event a water polo event with firefighters competing in teams of different Departments – not having one Department against another.  Briana - Discussion on having a sno-cone machine instead of bake sale.  If the Department approves purchasing a machine, Briana will get the machine and syrups.  Scott – will have the State Farm Fire Safe House ready for Muster event.  Will need to have a paint night a few days before the holiday weekend.   

C. Bake sale fund raiser for Muster event (Bonnie M., and Lisa) – Will do the sno-cones instead; better for a hot day.  Lisa will help Briana with acquiring a machine and supplies.  Tina will run it by Serena to see if she likes the change in venue.


V.               Unit Reports:

A.  Logistics: (Tania) – Scott mentioned the need to gather up a call list of support services so the Department can call them when on scene.  Discussion on whether it should be a phone call or text.  An initial text will be sent, however a follow-up phone call may be needed for details.  Scott and Lisa will work on this.

B.  EMS Support: (Serena) – Bonnie E., stated that the bags are in good condition.

C.  Maintenance: (Bonnie M.) – Bonnie E., stated that there was no mention of cleaning at Station One when the Garden Club met last.  Scott – Keith has pulled the weeds for the garden at Station Two, but he will not be around for a few weeks to take care of any plants that are planted, someone will need to do it until he gets back.  Lisa stated that the tomato plants she had for the department were just planted in her garden and she will bring the tomatoes in as they ripen.  Marjie stated she still has a couple of plants for the department garden.  No one was interested in taking care of the garden for a few weeks so the idea was dismissed.

D.  Technology: (Lisa) – Mike is keeping the website and facebook updated. 

E.   Public Events/Education: (Lisa) – Discussed previously in meeting

F.  Recruitment and Retention: (Lona) – Scott mentioned that there were 27 people for the Rotary lunch; was a good turnout.  He thanked all of the helpers who brought it together.  On June 19 at 6:30 p.m. there will be a Chamber Mixer – discussion on having finger foods for that event.


VI.             Open Forum and Topics for Next Meeting:  Tina asked that if any member needed a T-shirt to contact Lisa and she will order one.  Discussion on members who must help at events in order to get a T-shirt.  It was also mentioned that everyone must wear their SS T-shirt at events to identify who they represent.  Shellie – Next month’s dinner meeting discussion.  Scott suggested pizza night.  Lisa will make a salad to go with the dinner.  More discussion on painting party for the State Farm Fire Safe House.  For the next meeting topic: Muster Details.   


VII.            Adjourn:  There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 6:05 p.m.